April 2024 Combined policies consultation 2024

Feedback closed 5pm May 20 2024.

Your feedback will be considered by Council and a decision will be made to adopt the final policy on 19 June 2024. We will let you know the outcome.


Council is consulting on its review of the following three policies. 

This document details the proposed changes for each policy listed below. To view the policies, click on each policy name below.

  1. Revenue and financing policy This sets out how Council will fund its activities, including from sources like rates, fees and charges, loans, and grants. Council is proposing to keep most of the funding sources and rating methods unchanged but is making some minor changes to the proportions of funding for some activities. The other main changes are to the wording and structure of the policy as well as reflecting new legal requirements to consider how the funding choices can consider the principles set out in the Preamble to Te Ture Whenua Māori Act 1993.
  2. Rate remission and postponement policy This specifies the circumstances where Council will consider remitting (reducing) or postponing (delaying) the payment of rates. Council is proposing to keep the majority of the policy unchanged with two new remissions – remission of water meter rates due to water leaks and a remission for non-contiguous rural properties using Crown or Council land to be treated as one unit for rating purposes. Council also has a policy for rate remission and postponement on Maori Freehold land – but consultation on this will be carried out at a later date in 2025.
  3. Significance and engagement policy This policy is used to help identify what are significant decisions and what part engagement will play in those decisions. Council has reviewed the current policy and is proposing a number of changes. The changes include introducing a set of questions to assess how significant a matter is, including the impact on Māori, and the effect of climate change. The updated policy also focuses the significance criteria assessment on the nature of the impact rather than the quantum of the impact and creates categories of significance and explaining what they mean and how they relate to the level of engagement. In addition the policy provides additional information on engaging with iwi/hapū.

Feedback opens 8am April 19 and closes 5pm May 20 2024.

We are seeking feedback on the policies in general as well as the specific changes being proposed. The key thing is that we want to hear from you and understand whether you support our proposed approaches or would like us to make changes.

Feedback can be provided via the survey below, but if you prefer you can complete this editable form If you would like to speak to Council personally about your submission, let us know. Meetings to hear and consider your feedback will be held in Invercargill on 5 June 2024.

Your feedback will be considered by Council and a decision will be made to adopt the final policy on 19 June 2024. We will let you know the outcome.

If you have any questions about the proposed policies or changes, please get in contact with staff via email sdc@southlanddc.govt.nz or phone us on 0800 732 732.



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