September 2021 Reserves and open spaces engagement

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We look after many reserves and open spaces, including walkways, recreational areas, playgrounds and more.

These reserves and open spaces belong to all of us and we need to decide what we want them to look like in the future.

Think of open spaces near you that you enjoy.

  1. Are the recreation facilities, buildings and structures in our open spaces appropriate for the way that you use them? If not, how could we improve this?
  2. What could we do to provide more opportunities for you to connect with the open spaces? How could we encourage more use of our open spaces?
  3. Should we focus more on creating cultural and educational experiences in those spaces? What could we do?
  4. Are these spaces easy to access for you and your whanau? How can we improve access?
  5. How can we improve the landscaping of these spaces?

You can find the current policy and strategy documents below for your reference: 

Open Spaces Strategy

Reserves Management Policy

Southland District Council Thursday 2 Sep 2021
  • Replies 20