Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

Consultation on the Southland District Council Draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 has closed.

Read the Final Speed Management Plan here

June 17 Update - Adoption, Certification and Implementation

On 10 April 2024, Council deliberated on the issues raised in consultation, and adopted the Speed Management Plan 2024-2027. In addition to minor amendments, Council has also approved the following changes to the final Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 following consultation:

  • inclusion of the speed limit proposal set out in the Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan relating to Te Anau School and Fiordland College; and
  • removal of the proposed speed limit reduction between the Bridge and Chester Street in Otautau township.

Otherwise, the purpose, intent and speed limit changes proposed in the Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 remain unchanged from the draft that was publicly consulted on. The final draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 was submitted to the Speed Management Panel and Director of Land Transport for on 24 April 2024, and certified on 17 June 2024.

Now the Speed Management Plan has been certified, the speed limit changes set out within will come into force once they are entered into once the National Speed Limit Register and the required signage has been installed. The final Speed Management Plan can be found here, or can be viewed at Council Offices.

Council wishes to sincerely thank those who took the time to share their views.

November 2023 update - public consultation closed

We would like to offer our sincere thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share their views on our proposals and the future of speed management in Southland District.

Next, we plan to present submissions to Council on December 13 before returning in early 2024 for Council to deliberate on and adopt the Final Speed Management Plan 2024-2027. We will continue to post updates on this page as we progress through these steps.

October 2023 update - extension of consultation dates and additional consultation for Te Anau School and Fiordland College

On 26 October 2023, Council endorsed an Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 which included an additional proposal for speed limits on roads around Te Anau School and Fiordland College, which was omitted from the initial draft SMP.  Consultation on the Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 opened at 8am on 27 October 2023 and closed 5pm on 24 November 2023.

As a result of this additional proposal, Council also extended the period for consultation for the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 until 5pm 24 November 2023.


The Land Transport Rule; Setting of Speed Limits 2022 requires all road controlling authorities, including Southland District Council, to develop and consult on a speed management plan, replacing the previous approaches centred around speed limit bylaws.

Southland District Council has prepared the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 and Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027 (together referred to as the ‘draft plan’) to present its vision and approach to the management of speed within the District to ensure safety is given appropriate consideration amongst other relevant factors, to generate discussion, and informed submissions leading up to Southland District Council adopting its final Speed Management Plan 2024-2027.

Under the draft plan, Council is primarily focused on implementing safer and more appropriate speeds on the roads around schools, along with additional areas previously identified within the community and boundary roads. Implementation of any proposed speed limit changes will occur during the years 2024-2027. The draft plan also outlines the proposed speed management plan strategy, guiding principles, and how it aligns to proposals from Waka Kotahi. The final proposal, once adopted by the Council, will be submitted for certification by Waka Kotahi and inclusion in the National Speed Limit Register.

Public consultation ran from 8am on Thursday 12 October 2023, to 5pm on Friday 24 November 2022.

Consultation and implementation timetable

The table below sets out the important dates for the consultation process.

Date Activity
4 October 2023 Council endorsed the draft Speed Management Plan for consultation
12 October 2023 Consultation on the draft Speed Management Plan began
25 October 2023 Council endorsed the Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan for consultation
27 October 2023 Consultation on the Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan began
24 November 2023 Consultation period closed
13 December 2023 Submissions presented to Council
21 February 2024 Workshop with Councillors to discuss issues and options arising following Consultation
10 April 2024 Council Deliberations and Adoption of the final draft Speed Management Plan
24 April 2024 Final draft Speed Management Plan submitted to the Speed Management Panel and Director of Land Transport for Certification
17 June 2024 Certification of Speed Management Plan provided by Director of Land Transport - implementation commences


Important documents

You can access the following documents for Council's Proposal below:

Final Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

Addendum to the draft Speed Management Plan 2024-2027

Want to know more?

If you have any questions, or would like a little more information, about the submissions process or the proposal, please email: submissions@southlanddc.govt.nz

Read why are we doing this here

Read what are we proposing here