September 2023 - Otautau camping ground project
This project has been a long-standing and important piece of work for the Wallace-Takitimu Community Board. Work has recently been undertaken to allow the Community Board to explore options for re-establishing a camping facility in Otautau with the aspiration to encourage more visitors to the area to support local businesses and ultimately boost the town’s viability.
Stage one has consisted of investigating and planning for this project. Stage two will consist of the construction and development of the camping ground and stage three would look to capitalise on any growth opportunities identified such as the addition of cabins etc.
The work carried out recently has included the following;
Identify and consider opportunities and constraints for a range of camping sites and camping models within Otautau, through site investigations and engagement with mana whenua and the Wallace-Takitimu Community Board.
Develop a plan for the preferred camping site, with supporting staging, high level costs and delivery programme.
Deliver a comprehensive options report to document the findings and preferred method delivery. Download the document here.
The board would welcome your feedback on this exciting project by 30 September 2023. Please contribute your thoughts in the latest questions, suggestions & ideas area. If you prefer, there is a feedback box and hardcopies of the proposal available at the SDC Otautau office.
Latest questions, suggestions & ideas
Below are some of the latest ideas and suggestions that have come through. You can comment on and rate the ideas by clicking on them or you can contribute your own ideas by selecting contribute below.
About time this project got underway.
About time this project got underway. read more